Friday Night
All of our Friday Evening services are designed for members of all ages,
singles, families and empty-nesters. Each week our service takes on its
special character, providing a variety of Shabbat celebration experiences.
First Friday of the Month
Shabbat Shelanu (Our Shabbat)
–together with our friends from B’nai Emunah–
5:45 PM Tot Shabbat Service
6:30 PM Dinner
7:15 PM Family Friendly Service (not “just for kids…”)
7:15 PM Family Friendly Service (not “just for kids…”)
Check the front page of the website to see whether we
are at BIJ or at B’nai Emunah for this month’s service.
Second Friday of the Month
Shabbat in the ‘Hood
–chavurah-style service in members’ homes–
Informal with lots of singing, led by Rabbi Gottlieb and
Ricki Weintraub.
RSVP to the synagogue office for each month’s location
7:30 PM
Third Friday of the Month
Friday Night Feast
–free catered Shabbat dinner and program–
Check the front page of the website for details of this
month’s program.
RSVP to Women of BIJ (our sponsors)
6:30 PM Dinner and Program
6:30 PM Dinner and Program
Fourth Friday of the Month
Sacred Hebrew Chant and Drum Service
–a service and meditation experience–
An abridged liturgy, with communal chanting and a
guided meditation, followed by a pot-luck Oneg.
7:30 PM
Fifth Friday of the Month
Always Something Special
–see the front page of the website for details–
Saturday Morning
Every Saturday
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
8:45 AM
8:45 AM
Shabbat Morning Service (1st service of each calendar
month is a joint service led by Or Shalom clergy).
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
18 Little Things You Can Do for Shabbat
1. | Invite friends. |
2. | Ask guests to prepare a Shabbat blessing, song, or story. |
3. | Set a special table for Shabbat dinner. |
4. | Use a special tablecloth. |
5. | Arrange fresh flowers in your home. |
6. | Polish the silver. |
7. | Pour a nice wine. |
8. | Bake or buy a challah. |
9. | Give thanks for the blessings of the week. |
10. | Light special candles. |
11. | Read a Shabbat prayer…then read it again. |
12. | Say blessings over the wine and challah. |
13. | Sing some nice songs. |
14. | Listen to the quiet peace of a dinner at home…without phone, TV, or radio. |
15. | Take a Shabbat walk. |
16. | Be open to moments of wonder, of soulful encounter. |
17. | Pause for a moment as Shabbat ends on Saturday night. Sing havdalah! |
18. | Look forward to the next week’s Shabbat celebration. |